The Powerful Prune

The Powerful Prune
Girls, this wrinkly fruit’s not just for constipation! It’s been the butt of jokes world-wide, but the lowly prune is a powerhouse of health. 
This is why prunes are an important ingredient in our Botanical ELIXIR Energy Boost supplement .
There’s so much to talk about!
Prunes are special to me because they address so many concerns us women deal with every day, beyond just constipation:
• Prunes are like a landmine of antioxidants ready to burst into every cell of your body to gobble up free radicals.
• Prunes help prevent premature ageing. Those wrinkly prunes resist your wrinkles for smoother skin and stronger hair!
• Prunes help with your cardiovascular health. The Bible talks about guarding your heart in the spiritual sense—prunes guard your physical heart.
• Prunes help reduce the risk of cancer. Who hasn’t been touched by cancer themselves or by their loved ones?
• Prunes help fight osteoporosis. I want to do everything I can to keep from experiencing the spontaneous fracturing of my bones! 
• Prunes help with high blood pressure. Your diet is so important to preventing high blood pressure and staying off costly medication.
• Prunes help fight jaundice. Yellow eyes may work for cats, but not me! Prunes can help with your liver function.
• Prunes help maintain gut health. There’s a saying that “All disease begins in the gut.” A healthy gut is critical for your good health.
• Prunes are good for your eyesight and helping prevent mascular degeneration. As we age, so goes our eyesight. But it doesn’t have to be that way—if you know what nutrients help your eyes combat age.
How does this amazing fruit do all these things? There are many scientific studies to validate prune’s powerful punch. They are more than paid promotions sponsored by some prune-growers association. Prunes are the real deal and worth adding to your diet.
But don’t go overboard! Moderation is the word here. Remember, prunes help relieve constipation, and you know what they say about too much of a good thing! As it’s been said, “The dose makes the poison!”
In our next blog we will discuss the many benefits of the little known Schizandra Berry and why its being hailed as the new super food !
Till then wishing you my online friends much love and happiness ! Lets experience good health together !
Love Judy

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